Mentoring Services are provided !
“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” — Bob Proctor, Expert in Mentoring

MLMD provides mentorship for the benefit of AI/ML learners.
Experts are empanelled to provide this service.
Ordinary things are done by everybody , but extraordinary things are done only by extraordinary people.
A mentor digs out that X factor from within you to become an extraordinary person who does extraordinary things.
Those who receive mentoring become promising in getting a job easily. If already in job the mentee is likely to get promoted over others. One will get to know about himself better which is called self-awareness that helps you exploit your strengths and handle your weaknesses more effectively.
Being consistent in the development of new ways of thinking that improves problem-solving skills in the real world.
Benefits of Mentoring:
Skill Enhancement

- Skill Enhancement is necessary
- With that, everything in genral Improves
- Skill Enhancement is an on-going process
- There is no end to improvement
- More improvement enhances one's skill
- AI/ML, being new field improvements are taking place on regular basis
Brings out Hidden talent in you

- Every individual has some unique talent
- Generally it is diffcult to identify that talent by the person himself
- Role of a Mentor therefor becomes vey important
- Mentor will identify that unidentified talent
- Mentor makes the person aware of that
- Mentor helps in understanding that talent and how to exploit it
- Mentor helps in developing AI/ML learning interest in you
Problem-solving skills

- Problem Solving is always a challenge
- Mentor is there to help the Mentee to handle/solve the problem
- Mentor and Mentee should have good understanding
- Problems may come from different areas and Mentee must try to solve the problem himself
- Mentor must ensure that mentee is capable of handling such problems
Confidence Improvement

- Confidence is very important to get the success
- Mentor's responsibility is to inculcate that Confidence in the mentee
- Some people lack confidence in that case mentor's role becomes important
- Confidence is some thing which is very essetial
- More practice provides more confidence
Analytical Skill Improvement

- Analytical Skill is crtical for the success
- Analytical skill must improve to rise in the ladder
- Mentor plays a crucial role in the initial stages
- Better analytical skill hellps enhance the wisdom
Suitability of Job

- Every body may not be able to learn and work in AI & ML
- Mentor therefore is primarily responsible to guide whether AI/ML is for him or not
- Mentor must try to identify the real traits in the individual
- Mentor should be free, frank and honest to provide correct advise
Help Learner get a job

- Mentor must help the learner get a job in AI & ML arena
- Being an upcoming field huge demand for AI/ML professionals is there
- Mentor must groom the learner in a way, so that he gets job of choice
- Mentor must also aprise the learner the suitable opportunities
Help improve the Resume

- Resume is the first thing that the employer looks at
- Mentor must help in writing/improving the Resume
- Strenghts of the aplicant must be highlighted
- Not only in first job but even after if the individual wants may contact the Mentor
N.B.: For any query, Write to us on Contact us Page .